Smart Meters, Bill Impacts, & Did "Sustainability" Decimate the Democratic Party (along with harming health and environment?)
From the front lines in Taxachusetts/Massachusetts
DID YOU KNOW: It was the Democrats under the Clinton administration that instituted the Telecom Act of 1996 including section 704, which threw health and the environment under the bus on behalf of the telecom industry, nearly 30 years ago, and still going strong.
How the Democrats broke hearts: addressing climate, energy efficiency, and sustainability to protect human health and the environment by ignoring human health and the environment - because it’s an emergency!
I recently met up with some friends who lean “Left,” and they were lamenting that Biden caused their party to lose the election.
I mentioned that in my experience, the left-leaning sustainability movement already catapulted a large number of individuals out of the Democratic party, out of their homes, and out of their communities, by destroying their health - more than a decade before this election cycle. (Just to be clear, Democrats were not the only ones harmed).
It doesn’t necessarily imply that the “clean energy” refugees pivoted to vote for the other party, but I am aware of many who unenrolled from a party affiliation. Democratic trauma unfolded in state after state, when individuals at risk or experiencing harm were shocked to find themselves facing off against left-leaning environmental groups defending smart meters that were inflicting harm and disability.
Ratepayers had to release the illusion that Democrats were the “good guys” and that they champion human rights or protect the environment.
It can be heartbreaking to have one’s ideals shattered.
Clean Energy’s Corrupted Reasoning
The clean energy community fell prey to at least two “logical fallacies”:
The False Dilemma - where two choices are presented as the only options, when in fact other alternatives exist. “We have to install smart meters to save the planet.” “We need smart meters so that utilities can provide more information to consumers about their energy usage.”
The Slippery Slope - which takes the first sensible premise to an undesirable extreme conclusion via a number of hastily connected steps. Following the massive battery storage fire at Moss Landing, CA in her excellent and highly recommended substack, Katie Singer wrote, A Tale of Two Counties & Two Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) “The Sierra Club, Santa Fe Green Chamber of Commerce and all voiced support for AES’s (Battery Energy Storage System) project. During the public comment period, one woman said she much preferred a BESS fire to a climate change fire.”
Ignoring Human-Caused Thermal Runaway
Regarding Battery Energy Storage Systems "These containers house thousands of individual lithium-ion cells, miles of cabling and millions of connections, any one of which could fail. Unfortunately, all types of Lithium-ion batteries have a known weakness of thermal overload which when it occurs leads to a catastrophic “loss of control” of the battery. When a loss of control occurs, the BESS goes into what is termed a “thermal-runaway” which poses a very serious hazard to people, animals and the environment. There have been more than a few “loss of control” incidents around the world which have resulted in “thermal- runaways” which have all been very serious, resulting in explosions, wide scale toxic pollution and in some instances deaths.” - SOURCE
See; The Pacific Palisades fire, Lithium-ion Batteries and Smart Meters As reported by insurance whistle-blower Norm Lambe, recent fires in CA and elsewhere have highlighted the question of smart meters and thermal runaway.
Is the sustainability cult in vast need of deprogramming?
Unexamined and unmonitored mandates have unleashed a wave of carnage, from hazmat-producing CFL lightbulbs to solar invertors to smart meters to EV chargers that pollute the grid. Some homeowners are being driven from their homes when their neighbors install an EV charger or solar system when they share the same transformer.
(In addition, tremendous harm is being outsourced to other countries for mining, production, and disposal.)
Examples of Polluting “Sustainability” - Inadequately Tested Technologies
Tesla Powerwall creates massive amounts of Dirty Electricity in battery back-up mode
When the utility power is OFF and the Tesla Powerwall battery is only source of power to the house the level of Dirty Electricity (DE) is extremely high which caused pressure in the head for both clients at this house. These clients did not know the Powerwall was associated with the pressure in both of their heads until I shut the Powerwall OFF when it became very obvious to them: instantly. NOTE: depending on the operational mode selected, the Powerwall can store or supply power as needed in conjunction with the rooftop solar and the utility power. It can also be the sole source of power once the sun goes down or in the event of a utility power failure. It is a marvelous device and concept but it appears to have some painful side effects in this case. It creates various levels of DE with different modes of operation. Solution: it is best to start off with a solar/battery system that does not create DE as some companies offer now. If you have an existing solar or solar with battery system that creates DE some of it can be filtered with an appropriate DE filter connected in the most strategic position. Eric Windheim, the founder of Windheim EMF Solutions is a certified Building Biology Ecology Consultant (BBEC) and Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS). Eric provides assessments that will detect, measure and reduce sources of EMF radiation in your home, office, or business in the Sacramento and surrounding areas. Schedule an EMF Assessment with Windheim EMF Solutions Today – We Deliver Results! Less EMF, Better Health, Live Longer.
See other short videos from Windheim EMF Solutions:
Dirty Electricity from variable speed pool pump reduced 72% with DE filters
20 kHz Dirty Electricity produced by Solar City ABB string inverter
Dimmer switches create Dirty Electricity and painful pressure in the head of my client
Solar Inverter creates dirty electricity
Surcharging for an “Opt Out” Meter
The “solution” that utility regulators and their partners have been adopting regarding health issues associated with ‘smart’ meters is a punitive surcharge for customers who desire an “opt-out” analogue meter.
In many states, the opt out meter is digital with the radio turned off, (which does not address all of the polluted power quality issues, including dirty electricity shown above)
Radio-frequency-radiation-transmitting and powerline meters are being installed for gas, water, electricity, and propane at breakneck speed. The meters contribute to wide-scale citizen surveillance and economic growth.
Al Gore and Silver Springs Smart Meters
“Former US Vice President Al Gore founded The Climate Reality Project to catalyze a global solution to the climate crisis by making urgent action a necessity across every sector of society. We recruit, train, and mobilize people of all walks of life to work for just climate solutions that speed energy transition worldwide and open the door to a better tomorrow for us all.” - Our shared vision is for a swift, systemic, and just transition toward net zero emissions by the middle of this century, with major steps toward that goal by 2030.” - Climate Reality Projec
A colleague provided a potent reminder of what we have been up against.
An article from 2009: Gore positioned to make profits in energy field
“Former Vice President Al Gore thought he spotted a winner last year when a small California firm sought financing for an energy-saving technology from the venture capital firm where Gore is a partner. Silver Spring Networks produces hardware and software to make the electricity grid more efficient. It came to Gore's firm, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, looking for $75 million to expand its partnerships with utilities seeking to install millions of "smart meters" in homes and businesses. Gore and his partners decided to back the firm. The deal appeared to pay off last week, when the Energy Department announced $3.4 billion in smart grid grants. More than $560 million went to utilities with which Silver Spring has contracts.”
Ohio Consumer Bills for Electricity: We Need a New Rate Class
Volunteer citizen researcher Vince Welage in Ohio has been investigating the economic impact of various fixed charges and riders being added to utility bills that create a disparity for low usage consumers.
Especially when combined with the impact of the punitive smart meter “opt out” charges, the economic impacts are overwhelming for many households.
The statistical analysis by Vince indicates that consumers who use less energy are clearly subsidizing heavier users. Fixed charges comprise a much larger portion of the overall bill.
As noted in our recent article, Vince was interviewed again by the Ohio Register.
Vince Welage: "Ohio Utility Energy Disparity; Charges Lack Conditional Exemptions"
Vince: The number of statements analyzed has now exceeded 700 and the study has expanded to cover 25 zip codes in SW Ohio from the years 2018-2024.
TOR: The lower monthly average, I assume, makes the disparity of actual energy usage vs. what customers are paying (because of fixed costs and hidden delivery tariffs [“riders”]) even greater than your initial findings.
Vince: Definitely. Despite efforts by many utility customers to reduce usage consumption through energy-efficient investments, the monthly bills continue to increase due to the inclusion of the customer fees (fixed + riders) that have reached unaccounted for levels at over 60% billed versus actual usage costs as part of the monthly statement.
Along with others, Vince is proposing a new rate class for “Residential Service-Low Energy Monthly Average.”
Germany Intelligent Metering: Which households will get a smart meter?
Germany has decided not to install a transmitting meter on the homes of low electric consumption customers, as noted here Germany Will Only Install SM Transmitters on Homes with High Energy Consumption recognizing that these households will not benefit from the meters.
Who gets a digital electricity meter?
In the coming years, every household will be obliged to change its electricity meter. Households with an average consumption of less than 6000 kilowatt hours per year will be required to receive a digital electricity meter without a data connection via a communication module by 2025. The grid operator or electricity provider arranges for the replacement.
Anyone who has an above-average electricity consumption of 6000 kilowatt hours or more per year will receive a smart meter. Such high electricity consumption arises, for example, if there is an electric car in the household that is charged via a wallbox. Electricity customers who operate a solar system with an output of more than seven kilowatts will also receive the intelligent control system with a communication module. Anyone who operates a controllable night storage heater or a heat pump is still excluded from the smart meter obligation, but can opt for it if they wish.
Digitale Stromzähler: alle Infos auf einen Blick | LichtBlick
Germany: The pricing for the meters is transparent
Groups like the Conservation Law Foundation in the U.S. bought the smart meter narrative, hook line and sinker
“CLF is tackling grid modernization in New England from all angles. We’re pushing to update old pole-and-wire systems to better incorporate local solar and wind energy. We’re urging incentives for utilities to add smart meters to improve communication between the electrical system and homes and businesses. And we’re working with state agencies and our public utilities throughout New England to change energy policies to better reflect 21st-century technology and needs.
Implementing smart policies and allowing much-needed innovation within this industry will save families and businesses money on their electricity. These changes will also help us get to 100% clean electricity supply and expand electric forms of transportation, efficient electric appliances, and clean electric heating.
What’s at Stake
An aging electricity grid can limit the ability of families and businesses to take advantage of new technologies like electric vehicles and heat pumps. Modernizing our grid allows us to save energy and money on our monthly bills while slashing carbon pollution.
A grid outfitted with smart meters — which facilitate two-way communication between your house and the electricity grid — would let families run appliances when energy prices are lowest. It would also allow businesses to more easily incorporate energy efficiency measures into their daily operations. And we need a modernized grid to integrate more local renewable energy sources, like solar panels, into our energy system.
Grid modernization includes a mix of policy change, utility investments, and infrastructure investments that will allow us to fully electrify our transportation and buildings using clean energy. With a modern electric grid, we can support New England-wide electrification and keep our climate safe.” - CLF
This concern for “keeping the climate safe” and wanting every home to have access to billing schemes and enabling technologies including smart meters, which are in fact polluting the grid, is the antithesis of “safe” and “clean.”
We need to openly acknowledge the need to change course.
Massachusetts is Already Billing Ratepayers for New Meters
I took a look at my bill in Massachusetts, where smart meters are currently being installed, and the cost differential is similar to Ohio.
This is the Eversource bill:
I opted to buy my electricity from the town’s aggregation program and believe that I will not be eligible for time-of-use billing discounts enabled by smart meters.
I am being surcharged for initiatives in distributed solar, renewable energy, energy efficiency, and electric vehicles, all of which pose challenges to my health and the health of others, because the sustainability/energy efficiency community chose to ignore evidence of health and the environmental harm.
If I incur the Eversource opt-out fee, I will pay an additional $34/month.
If you qualify and elect to opt out, we’ll replace your current meter with a non-communicating meter. You’ll be charged a $42 one-time service fee for this exchange and a $34 monthly fee to have your meter read manually every month. - SOURCE
Because I live in a duplex, I would most likely have to pay the opt-out fee for the other unit, in addition to the two gas and water meter opt out fees.
I am much more fortunate that many others in multi-family homes and densified housing, but this is an impossible situation, which is only going to get worse the longer we keep our heads in the sand.
The History of the Opt Out Discussion w/ the DPU, 2013
In 2013, customers were already requesting to have the first generation of transmitting meters installed by National Grid (another investor-owned utility in MA) removed. At the time, the Attorney General’s office opposed the proposed tariffs: 13-83 Petition of Massachusetts Electric Company, Nantucket Electric Company, Boston Gas Company and Colonial Gas Company, each d/b/a National Grid, for approval by the Department of Public Utilities of proposed electric and gas tariffs entitled "Residential Automatic Meter Reading Opt-Out Provision". LINK
In docket 13-83, National Grid stated that,
“The Company further states that it anticipates additional customers will choose to opt-out of AMR meters if the option to do so does not send the appropriate economic signals.”
An Excellent Health Resource
The issue of EHS, also now known as EMR-S, emerged coinciding with smart meter installations.
Cece Doucette of MA4SafeTechnology created a guide of the presentations (free on-line) with topic, presenter, links, and time. (6 pages) EMF+Medical+Conference+2021+Video+List+with+Links.pdf
Watch the entire conference on Vimeo:
Watch the entire conference on Youtube: