Smart Meter Science: Andrew Marino
Two Recent Videos, Expert Smart Meter Testimony - 2016; Also Dr. Paul Héroux Tonight
Two very recent interviews have been posted with Andrew Marino.
See the excellent 2016 article by Smart Grid Awareness regarding Andrew Marino’s expert testimony about smart meters and health:
Health Risks Associated with Smart Meter Wireless Emissions
Posted on October 2, 2016 by SkyVision Solutions
Article Key Points
There is a “reasonable basis” for concern regarding health risks associated with smart meter wireless emissions.
It is “unreasonable” to involuntarily and chronically expose consumers to the electromagnetic energy emitted by smart meters.
The conclusions reached by Dr. Andrew Marino and presented in his expert report are as follows:
“First, [there] is a reasonable basis in established science for the Complainants’ concern regarding risks to human health caused by man-made electromagnetic energy in the environment, including the type of electromagnetic energy emitted by smart meters. These health risks are heightened in the very young, the very old, and in those with preexisting diseases or disorders.
Read more at link Health Risks Associated with Smart Meter Wireless Emissions | Smart Grid Awareness (Bookmark the site!)
Health Risks Associated with Smart Meter Wireless Emissions | Smart Grid Awareness
Expert Testimony Regarding Smart Meters
A.A. MARINO. Povacz v PECO, Pennsylvania Utility Commission. [PDF] 87 PAGES
Microsoft Word - exhibit slips.docx
RECENT VIDEO: ANDREW MARINO Truth About a Life in Science Andrew A. Marino Biophysicist/ Attorney Dec 1, 2024 1 1/2 hours
Interview by aWonderJunkie Ryan Anderson: Andrew Marino discusses his extensive background in physics and biophysics, his significant collaboration with Robert Becker, and the implications of their research on electromagnetic energy and health. Andrew Marino reflects on the challenges posed by industry influence on scientific integrity and the importance of pursuing truth in science. He shares insights from his experiences, including his decision to attend law school to better navigate the complexities of scientific research and industry pressures. He delves into the intricate relationship between physics and biology, emphasizing the need for a deeper understanding of biological processes and their implications for health. The discussion covers the challenges in cancer research, the impact of environmental factors, and the complexities of electromagnetic fields on human biology. He also shares insights into his ongoing book project, the historical context of electromagnetic research, and the importance of cross-examination in establishing scientific truths. The conversation concludes with reflections on the nature of uncertainty in biology and the importance of scientific inquiry. Andrew talks about his relationship with Robert Becker and the significance that Robert Becker had in his life.
Chapters 01:03 Andrew Marino's Background and Education 07:53 Connection with Robert Becker 15:53 Research on Electromagnetic Energy and Health Risks 21:10 The Impact of Industry on Scientific Integrity 35:04 The Role of Money in Science 44:44 The Future of Science and Integrity 49:30 The Divide Between Physics and Biology 52:06 Understanding Cancer and Environmental Factors 54:32 The Journey of Writing a Book 57:29 The Impact of Electromagnetic Fields on Biology 01:01:07 The Role of Cross-Examination in Scientific Truth 01:04:06 The Dangers of Electromagnetic Energy 01:09:55 Hypersensitivity Syndrome and Its Challenges 01:19:07 Historical Context of EMF Research 01:26:58 Einstein's Dream and the Complexity of Biology
RECENT VIDEO: ANDREW MARINO Undoctrinate Yourself with Dr. Alexis Cowan Dec 18, 2024 1 1/2 hours
Interview via Undoctrinate Yourself with Dr. Alexis Cowan Dr. Andrew Marino PhD JD is a biophysicist, researcher in the space of electrobiology, and student & protege of Dr. Robert O Becker. He is the author of multiple books including Going Somewhere: The Truth about a Life in Science, Electromagnetism and Life, Becker the Scientist, Modern Bioelectricity, The Electric Wilderness, and Philip Handler: Toxic Pope of Science which he is still working on with an estimated release of late 2025.
Andrew A. Marino | Biophysicist | Attorney | LSU Medical School Dec 18, 2024 Dr. Andrew Marino PhD JD is a biophysicist, researcher in the space of electrobiology, and student & protege of Dr. Robert O Becker. He is the author of multiple books including Going Somewhere: The Truth about a Life in Science, Electromagnetism and Life, Becker the Scientist, Modern Bioelectricity, The Electric Wilderness, and Philip Handler: Toxic Pope of Science which he is still working on with an estimated release of late 2025.
Easy Answer
“Unintelligent people often take a dim view of the EMF controversy. Some of them see it as a matter to be resolved by experts, and others put their faith in the government. They say, “If cell phones caused brain cancer the government would ban them.” How sad it is to have such poor understanding, but how satisfying! People who look at the world through the pin-hole of misplaced confidence think that every important question has an easy and definitive answer.” - Easy Answer | Andrew A. Marino
Canadians for Safe Technology Presentation Tonight:
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C4ST - Tues 7:30 pm ET 11 Feb 2025 - Dr. Paul Heroux - The Abuse of Science
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Paul Héroux’s recent work:
New Report Contradicts Telecom Industry Claim That Wireless Radiation Is Safe CHD A new peer-reviewed scientific report outlines a mechanism by which non-ionizing radiation can disrupt the biology of living systems, even at levels much lower than what’s needed to heat tissues. The telecom industry has consistently claimed that non-ionizing radiation is harmless to human health. The basis for the wireless industry’s claim that radiation is safe for humans is scientifically erroneous, according to the author of a new peer-reviewed scientific report. Paul Héroux, Ph.D., authored the report, which was published Jan. 30 in Heliyon, one of Elsevier’s journals on its ScienceDirect platform.
Had mine removed! Let's hope they don't try to force a new one on me...I'll be fighting that.